WW&V Population
The Weston, Worle & Villages population consists of 93,642 individuals approximately. 20% of the total population have a mental health condition, and those living in the most deprived areas have a shorter life expectancy compared to those in the least deprived.

Lower- Layer Super Output Areas
Weston-super-Mare has 5 Lower LSOAs (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) within the most deprived 5% in England. The map shows the nine most deprived areas are in the Weston-super-Mare area. This is amongst the top 40 per cent, ranked number 11,695 in England.
How will we achieve our vision?
By building on what is already available in our communities, utilising an asset-based approach we will be able to bring forth, local strengths, skills, knowledge, and professional expertise. Utilising community services, resources, groups, and activities. This will allow us to connect people to local assets and provide support closer to home, where most feel comfortable.